- I was lost in a city
- a mugger wanted my cell phone
- I was screaming
- my phone broke
- a policeman wouldn't help me
- I ran into a factory
- there was a wedding in the basement
- the bridegrooom stole my cherry wallet
- he used my credit card for his honeymoon
- I was locked in the basement
- I had no phone, no money
- Tony came to save me
- we escaped
- Tony disappeared
- I was flying with Lily in my arms
- a golden retriever was flying with us
- bad guys were chasing us
- we flew around the city
- I was afraid to fly over the water
- Lily was cold
- the water was endless
- we were getting too tired to fly
- I thought I might drop her
- we flew inside a hamburger stand
- no one was hungry
- the bad guys were outside
I tried to wake up
- my mother was home
- we heard glass break
- she got into my bed
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